While working for the Rodel Foundation of Arizona, Kim breathed life into Math 20/20. Along with an amazing team of educators and support staff, she oversaw the development and expansion of Math 20/20 into a state-wide initiative.
Math 20/20 is housed at the Pinal County Education Service Agency in Arizona. Joel Villegas, Associate Superintendent for PCESA, oversees several county-wide projects as well as the state-wide Math 20/20 program.
With 20 years of experience, five with Math 20/20, Ms. Olmos brings flair into every group she works with. The powerful Math 20/20 curriculum, combined with her enthusiastic delivery, brings dynamic opportunities to teachers and their leaders.
Kelly Cota, Math Specialist at PCESA, provides amazing opportunities for teachers and leaders to learn and grow in their craft. Kelly's insightful and fresh approach to professional development brings math teaching and learning to life.
For far too long, mathematics has taken a hit on all fronts. From TV shows and movies to comedy acts and billboards. We need to do better by the next generation. Building confident, inspiring math teachers will result in changing the math autobiographies for every student who goes though our system. Don't our children deserve this???!!!